The Answers You Need
The Hemp plant is a member of the Cannabaceae family and is scientifically known as Cannabis Sativa L. While it is a sibling of the marijuana plant, Hemp is typically lower in THC. For thousands of years, people have taken advantage of the versatility of the Hemp plant, using it for building materials, textiles, and much more. The fast-growing Hemp plant is a favorite of farmers as a rotational crop that helps rebuild healthy soils. Great for the environment, hemp sequesters more carbon per hectare than traditional industrial crops. It is an adaptive alternative to the materials we use in plastics, packaging, textiles, building materials, and transportation.
What is the hemp plant?
Bast fiber is the outer bark of a hemp stalk. The bast fiber is removed from the hemp plant through a process called retting that results in a material that is strong and lasts longer than most vegetal fibers such as cotton and jute. The strength, cost-effectiveness, and sustainability of hemp bast fiber makes it an ideal choice for manufacturers' materials like ropes and twines, geotextiles, and carpet. Researchers are exploring ways to incorporate hemp bast fiber more into other industries throughout the United States.
What is bast fiber?
Hurd is the inner core of the hemp stalk found under the outer shell or bast fiber. Hemp hurd is more frequently being used to replace traditional building materials, absorbents, plastics, and animal bedding because it is generally lighter, more absorbent, more sustainable, and cost-efficient.
What is Hurd?
Hemp farmers allow the hemp plant to reach peak maturity before harvesting the plant in a unique process. They start by cutting the crop down, often with a combine. The hemp plants are then left to lay in the field for 3-4 weeks, in a process called retting. During this time, the plant undergoes a microbial breakdown that allows the bast fiber to be separated from the hurd more easily. When this is complete, the hemp is baled.
Baled hemp is hauled to our facility, where we load it into the Fibertrack 660, built by Formation Ag. (Made in the USA!) This machine separates the bast fiber from the hurd. Once separated, we size and clean the bast fiber and hurd.
How is the hemp plant processed?
Yes. We are proud to contract with local farmers near our processing facility in Colorado.
Is your product being produced in the United States?
Not yet. We are actively scouting out a location for our next facility in the Midwest.
Do you have any other locations?
Yes! We are thrilled to show off our facility and the work we do. Please set up an appointment to visit via our contact us page.
Can we tour your facility?
Yes. At Global Fiber Processing, we want to empower farmers to thrive in the hemp industry. By expanding our facilities and operations nationally, we can be closer to local farmers, reducing transportation costs and giving end users greater access to a more reliable supply of materials.
Are you actively looking for investors/partners?
Currently, Global Fiber Processing is shipping throughout the United States and is providing our customers with bast fiber and hurd cleaned and sized to meet manufacturer specifications.
Where are you shipping products?